Fitness Member to Video Access
Gain Access to exclusive video content created by Tracy. You will find full body workouts, core workouts, Yoga, Pilates, Ball workouts, BOSU trainer, free weights, bands and combination workouts. You will find exercise modifications, instruction, tips and more. There is also a video section specifically for stroke survivors for balance, drop foot, hand recovery, and more. This accessible video library will continue to grow.
At this time Tracy is only offering her $15.00 a month membership with several workout videos with her that you can use at any time of the day that works for you. There are workouts such as mat Pilates, yoga, weight training, stretching, combinations of many modality workouts, proper technique directions, and adjustment/modification options to help you stay safe and perform the exercises that work for you. You will find Tips and exercises using the BOSU trainer and Swiss (exercise) balls. There is also a section of videos specifically made for stroke survivors and those needed to regain the ability to stand, walk, and more. Tracy is in the process of creating new exercise videos to add to the collection in the membership.
In time Tracy will be back to her normal fitness scheduling such as: Looking to have a customized program designed for your specific needs or perhaps need more one on one guidance to reach your fitness goals? Then consider a private one on one session with Tracy to help you maximize your time and efforts.