As I have mentioned in my other books, videos and lectures, often stroke survivors do not get enough physical therapy in their stroke recovery. Sometimes they even had bad therapy. Both these situations leave thousands of stroke survivors worldwide desperately seeking help from professionals and social media to help they further their recovery with hopes to get their life back to normal the best they can.
After I was asked by about a dozen survivors to write a book on arm recovery I did. That was my last book Stroke Recovery, Regaining Arm Movement. Then I was asked to do one on the leg and walking gait, so here it is. I was excited to be asked to do these projects to help stroke survivors and caregivers world wide.
Both Books will help educate stroke survivors, caregivers, fitness professionals and other healing professionals about muscles and the movements they make. If someone is trying to recovery a moment and you don't know which muscles perform that specific movement, how will you be able to gain it back. I feel knowledge is power in stroke recovery and physical therapy.
The hips are the leader to the movements in the legs. See one of the illustrations below that you will find in the leg book. Many stroke survivors face the challenge of trying to correct foot drop, hyperextended knee, foot turn out, leg drag and weak legs.